GCoT Model – A Complex Systems Model For Spatio-temporal Settlement
Design, Planning, Adaptation, Ecological Restoration, Economic Growth
and Biourbanism; Employing Fractal Geometry, Recursion, Complexity,
Emergence, Landscape Ecology, Biological Remediation, Agroecology and
Central Place Theory
Synthesis of related subjects into synergistic models for planning communication can facilitate multi-disciplinary strategy, for adaptation planning. This is relevant for planning and adapting complex systems such as cities and other human population centres. This paper combines three fields within an holistic model proposed for elucidating urban complexity, improving energy efficiency, and for adaptation planning. Idealised models for transport infrastructure, mixed-use spatial design and, green infrastructure for ecosystem services are combined forming a holistic model. This model is presented with reference to peer reviewed articles and other publications. An implementation approach is proposed, showing its scalability, how diversity may be maintained in urban form, and function, reconciled with unity in spatial planning, achieved through participatory urban planning approaches combined with established methods for ecological landscape restoration to achieve regenerative and sustainable development. A conceptualised, scaled and scalable spatial pattern is presented at city-scale, as an ecologically regenerative “smart” garden city model, and is referred to as the GCoT Model – acronym for Garden City of Today (Busby, 2014). This is presented for prospective use as an operational model and conceptual aid for strategic and adaptation planning, urban design and urban modeling.
Synthesis of related subjects into synergistic models for planning communication can facilitate multi-disciplinary strategy, for adaptation planning. This is relevant for planning and adapting complex systems such as cities and other human population centres. This paper combines three fields within an holistic model proposed for elucidating urban complexity, improving energy efficiency, and for adaptation planning. Idealised models for transport infrastructure, mixed-use spatial design and, green infrastructure for ecosystem services are combined forming a holistic model. This model is presented with reference to peer reviewed articles and other publications. An implementation approach is proposed, showing its scalability, how diversity may be maintained in urban form, and function, reconciled with unity in spatial planning, achieved through participatory urban planning approaches combined with established methods for ecological landscape restoration to achieve regenerative and sustainable development. A conceptualised, scaled and scalable spatial pattern is presented at city-scale, as an ecologically regenerative “smart” garden city model, and is referred to as the GCoT Model – acronym for Garden City of Today (Busby, 2014). This is presented for prospective use as an operational model and conceptual aid for strategic and adaptation planning, urban design and urban modeling.
#Sustainable #Development; #SustainableDevelopment Goals; #SDGs;
#Complexity; #FractalGeometry; #CentralPlace; #Transit Orientated; #TOD;
#Mixed-use; #Mobility; #Growth; #Emergence; #Walkable; #ActiveTransport;
#Recursion; #Biophilic #Design; #Biourbanism; #P4P; #Unified settlement
planning; #Scalable; #Urban #sprawl; #Mitigation; #ZeroCarbon;
#Sequestration; #Flood resistance; #Resilience; #Agroecology;
#Permaculture; Urban Heat Island; #UHI; Homogeneous; Heterogeneous;
#Ecological; Meta-habitat; #Proximity; #Transport Orientated
#Development; #Transport; Hierarchy; #Multi-modal; #Inter-modal;
#MetabolicCity; #ResourceManagement; #WasteManagement; #Waste; #ClosedLoop; #CircularEconomy;
#Homeostasis; Dynamic #Equilibrium; Urban #Analogy; #Correspondence;
#Transition; Rapid Urbanisation; #Modeling; #EconomicDevelopment;
#Retrofitting; #Amelioration; #Innovation; #CollaborativeDesign; #CoDesign;
#Participatory Urban Planning; #ParticipatoryPlanning; #Bottom-up development; #Top-down
planning; #holistic design; #GardenCities; #SmartCity; #SmartGardenCity.